Friday, December 16, 2016

A Look at Transformation, Transmutation and Transfiguration in Relation to the World Now

If you look out the economical, political, environmental, or societal window today, it may seem as though the world is falling apart. If you observe the world through the lens of healthcare or international relations, if you make assumptions about reality based on resources or who has the money, you may agree that the world has gone to shit. Some may even argue that history is repeating itself right in front of our eyes and tell you there is a tyrant moving into one of the most powerful seats in the world. But I am going to argue that we need only change the lens. The reality we see, on the news, over social media, in the courthouse and on international debate stages is one we have created based on the filter we are wearing and which can be changed by simply realizing who the true tyrants are in our lives.

If you know anything of internal alchemy and inner work you would be familiar with cycles of evolution – of transformation, transmutation and transfiguration. If you know this then you also know that the external environment mirrors the internal one and that there is really only ONE being in existence and only One thing happening here …. even though it seems like there are many of us and many issues at hand.

If you are unfamiliar with the cycles of change and their stages, let me clarify a bit.

Transformation is a process where that which is old and no longer working “dies” or falls away...and by so doing, releases a huge amount of energy which was being put into that which was non-supportive to the entity/reality.

Upon release of this thing – an outdated system, a faulty relationship, a false belief – there is a detox that takes place...which truly allows this thing to “exit stage left.” There may be a feeling of sickness during this detox...for all that has long been built up and hidden – under the guise of it all “being a-okay” is now out in the open and must be processed. Sound familiar?

Let's look at the current state of affairs...and how “the Oneness” is in a transformation period...or rather, has just undergone one.

We – the One – have transformed - from thinking we were all okay, in the global community, in politics, in our international relationships, in healthcare, in everything – basically. Even if many of us knew that these things were NOT okay – it was like we were okay with them not being okay. We had become complacent with the way things it seemed they had always been. We had settled into the discord and made home there....even though we knew it was not right, that thieves were running the affairs and we would instead hide behind a click of Netflix and some popcorn, ignoring the fact that the world was fucked...cause what could we really do anyway? Right?!

Well.....thanks to the transformative process, which is NATURAL, things started to happen...once a tipping point was reached.
The election happened. The unthinkable occurred.

Standing Rock took the scene...and the transformation was well underway. That which was NOT serving us/the ONE – and hadn't been for a very long time was suddenly starting to move...on the scene and yes...soon to be out of the picture.

Transformation is a small death. With this and any other transformation, there are toxins which have been built up a long time behind the illusion of their fine-ness. And so, with the change comes a huge, stinky detoxification process that looks like everything we are seeing now. All that has been under the surface, is now ON the surface – and in our faces...and we have the astrology to thank for helping to get this transformation process on.


With this detox also comes a great amount of energy -released back into the collective. Haven't you noticed how many people suddenly feel able to do something? Who ARE doing something? All the movements and marching and protesting and protecting...has reached an all time high!

Well, what is the next stage of the process of change? It is the is the Transmutation time.

This is the test people. In the All-ness...WE get to SEE How this process is working FOR us and not against us. We get to LOOK at the happenings and glean the insights which will allow the dross, the density to be transmuted into golden awareness.

How will we do it?

This question we must EACH ask ourselves.

When the garbage, the detox, the yuck and Uck of the transformation process presents itself...will we
– during the “uncomfortable transmutation process” wish to return to the safety and comfort of our previous beliefs of how the world should look? OR will we use our energy to transmute the dross of the toxins and SEE the insights being revealed to us through them?

This is where most folks get stuck. Cause it is so easy to call garbage garbage instead of seeing it as the toxic byproduct of a beautiful cleansing taking place. It's easier to say “I'm sick” because that is what society tells you is socially acceptable when you are hacking up a lung and running snot from your nose day in and day out for a week instead of calling it a cosmic upgrade coming into your body and pushing out all the toxic residues from old programming that no longer serve your current vibration.

It's also easier to identify with a “corrupt leader” “out there” than it is to recognize that the fact that someone who could so blatantly represent tyranny in our outer environment is obviously our deep soul-cry trying to tell us something about our inner environment ….the push out that looks like an outward manifestation, but is really an inward evolution.

What is corrupt? What is tyrannical?

How about the very present, dominant and over-riding ideas of

Disease, Death/ Dying, and Duality for starters ??...

These are the true tyrannical beliefs and leaders of our lives to date, are they not?

Oh, believe me I get all sorts of backlash for presenting these "realities" as beliefs...plenty. But just humor me and yourself - and sit with this for a moment....and let's take it to a cosmic perspective.

What is disease? After it truly dysfunction? In the wholeness? In the Oneness? Are you truly sick or out of touch - at the core of truth? Wouldn't it make more sense that, as a Divine being in the flesh, here for a specific Divine purpose...experiencing symptoms of “dis-ease” might just be your physical body trying to get your attention...trying to cry out from the innermost recesses that something is off –
Something is off... either in the “health care” system that you so blindly trust and are willing to put yourself in its hands at the cost of your very life...

Or that you are so emotionally and spiritually disconnected from the truth of who you are that you  even could  BELIEVE that you are sick in the first place – and are perhaps just simply out of alignment with your truth - instead. ??

It's not just you – we have all suffered from this.

We have all suffered as well from the belief in duality, in polarizing to our “likes” and away from our “dislikes.” We have been tyrannized by our obsession with happiness and our disdain for sadness and it is time for us to see that these ways of thinking are out-dated and no longer serve our individual and collective evolution.

So, yes, we have a polarized “tyrannical” looking external example of who is sitting at the seat of our person – telling us how reality is constructed, and it is so distorted from the truth...that now the distortion is projected in such a gruesome way that it finally gets our attention.!!!

We are the Oneness.

 Which seems to include duality...and yet this concept is inherently flawed...for -All exists -exists within us, as us. We are the yin and the yang manifest. Neither “side” is to be abhorred or adored over any other part. We are both dark and light...but what is beyond this is naming neither...and instead simply reveling in the texture of the change that is ever-constant. Without judgment. And in fact is beautiful.

And what of judgment?? – oh thank you Christian church – which has cursed us forever more...with the eyes of duality birthed in judgment. This is not the true reality. How can there be opposites in a field of One? How can there be polarity when there is only a single point of existence.? When there is only love? And some may argue...Is there only love?

Well, let's see...

As we begin to embrace both poles...we are enacting the internal alchemy that must occur for the transmutation process to complete...we must combine opposites and allow them to cancel each other out within us..and gain the insights that come from doing so.

We must see that Standing Rock Water Protectors must exist and So must the Black Snake of the oil company, in order for neither to have to. We must rise above the view that one is right and one is wrong...and SEE the Alchemy in it. Get the Insight.

The alchemy comes from seeing the suffering in Syria and knowing the love and riches and safety of your own experience AND combining them in the wisdom that knows ALL EXISTS in this 3-D earth plane and by accepting that...and embracing both – neither have to exist in the field of what is being realized...that we may up-level through the transmutation and gain the gold of knowing all of these things to be the One. - all of them to be us.

The transmutation occurs for us collectively as enough of us - or the One of us - can see the political situation and identify the necessity of the tyranny the same time as NOT seeing it - - - BOTH and transmute it with the insight that says "Oh, I didn't realize my inner tyrant was so out of control, now that can be modulated..." - within. you see??

Once we walked in the field of all that the Oneness we danced and had our experience...and we can again...or rather, we already are, on the level of mind where we SEE it.

For we are born from perspective and out of perspective do we either transform or cling to sameness. In this too is a paradox. For we are never truly transforming when we are ever and forevermore the One with everything. And yet, in the joyous desire to express all that we are...we chose to feel this as well.

So now, back to the story of the is in the allowance to see that Oneness is that which is manifesting...and by so doing, and by acting as such in our experience...we up-level the game.

And so, it is not enough to know that the current happenings are happening FOR a manifestation of the purification of our collective perspective, but to act as if this is walk in faith that we are indeed stepping into a world beyond the one we have so complacently known. That it is our time to show our deeper layers. To remember our kinship, our Earth connection, our power...and also to acknowledge that we always just didn't seem so.

In the transmutative perspective comes the up-level and we find ourselves in a new game...where humanity is poised to discover if it chooses. To allow more energy, not less, to enter find access to latent gifts, and brain centers and dormant abilities which have only merely been on “freeze” during this whole pre-transformation game.

The transfiguration occurs once you walk your talk and transmute the old perspective,...for now – you have the opportunity, we all do – to live as if we are in the new world see the transfiguration in action in our own own it. To not give credence to the world we no longer believe is no longer pay homage to “false gods” and idols of imagination which echo the life we led before the transformation,,,,lest we are doomed to repeat the “lower levels.”

We are only allowed to see what we can allow ourselves to see.

All is already here. We are on the brink of the up-level. . The Transfiguration. Will you Transfigure?

We limit ourselves by what we have the ability to comprehend. And yet a tricky thing...this limitation we imposed upon ourselves so as to gain the insights of density...there is lag time- in time.

Though it is speeding our viewpoint..(as if it ever could, since it always was and forever will be) us it is making its way back into our full awareness at the rate and “speed” we allow it to. And so, the old will fade with as much grace and timeliness as we give it room to.

Here's another way of saying it...

If someone you no longer wish to spend time with is trying to go out the door, but you keep asking them questions, and asking forgiveness, and continue to engage them, and worry for their safety, etc etc...they will take forever to actually “disappear”...will they not? When it is time to let go of that belief, that much resistance will you exhibit?

In as much as we resist life...we encourage death. Another illusion of this reality. One that most are much more endeared to than they wish to admit. For who would truly concede to the choice of immortality when they cannot fully embrace the “shorter” life with which they have been endowed. “What will I do with eternity?” One might secretly wonder. And so you should. As in the all-ness...death ensnares us when we cannot fully live, cannot fully enjoy, when we dance with disease and with shortcomings and with lack. Why would immortality befit the mind who cannot expand to fill it? (for more on this subject read these articles:(Death, does it have to occur, Immortality possible?, Aging or Immortality?)

But given enough cycles of Transformation, Transmutation and Transfiguration...even if you include death in the game for a some point, there is no point...and we will do it all here and now.

To live in the Transfigured life is to know yourself as the still point of existence...that all is merely a dream, but one worth inspiring into remembrance with you may dance and sing and taste and make love and experience all the textures this plane has to unveil...and by and through your ecstatic relationship with life...which is may find authentic purpose fulfilled...and a new world created.

Love you much,
may you find bliss in your house, as I know it in mine 

Stasia Bliss

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